Back to School, Back to YOU!

By Patricia Ciano

What a wild summer its been! From opening a hot yoga studio during the hottest summer I can remember, To living our first summer by the beach with a constant stream of visitors.

It was busy, chaotic, exciting, and filled with so much love. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

And of course, all that activity led to plenty of dinners out—five nights a week to be exact—followed by ice cream for the Lewes Beach sunset! 

The Wheelhouse, The Boardwalk, Rusty Rudders, frozen custard, late nights, and early mornings—it felt like vacation mode lasted all summer. And I certainly felt it as my workouts became fewer, and my eating habits...well, they got a bit indulgent. Um, didn’t I just open a yoga studio!?

We spend so much time taking care of everyone and everything else that we often forget ourselves! I’m refocusing on the basics, getting ready for a fresh start on September 1st. With visitors gone and school back in session, let’s put ourselves on the top of our “to-do” list! 

It’s Back to School, Back to YOU! 

Let’s make September the new January! Now is the time to set up your healthy routines so by the time the holidays come – you are ahead of the game! 

That’s the focus of Hiatus 24 Days of Health—a challenge all about gradual habit-building and overall wellness.

As we say goodbye to our last summer guests, I also say goodbye (for now!) to Kings Ice Cream, Dairy Queen, Sweet Frog, Custard King, and all the rest. It’s time to recalibrate and return to a routine that suits my lifestyle. 

We aim for balance, but I totally tipped the scales towards indulgence. Now, it's time to reset. Step one? Cleaning up my diet. That means more veggies, more fruit, less sugar, and ditching the processed junk. 

I also need to put in place my workout schedule. Since we’ve opened, I fit it in when I can…which does not work for me.  I always scheduled my workout like it was a meeting and I intend to get back to that! 

I’m turning 50 on Sept 24th and I want to feel my happiest and healthiest. I’m motivated by goals and deadlines, and this is the perfect way for me to get back on track. I like a time frame.  It gives me the extra motivation I need to really follow through. I always work better under pressure.

Starting September 1st, I’m kicking off my Hiatus 24 Days of Health, and I’d love for you to join me! Let’s cheer each other on, share tips, and stay motivated together. It’s completely free—just follow along on Instagram @hiatus24.

Each morning, we’ll share a healthy habit, wellness tip, or yoga sequence to incorporate into our routines, all with the goal of nourishing the mind, body, and soul.

Let’s do this together! 


Xx, Patty

The Reluctant Yogi
Theodore Corriero Theodore Corriero

The Reluctant Yogi

Welcome to Hiatus 24, a new yoga studio in Lewes Delaware and your newfound sanctuary devoted to nurturing your mind, body, and soul.

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